ORIGINAL works of art on canvas or paper are sold on this site.

PRINTS: FineArtAmerica.com
(search: Theresa Honeycheck)



Title of Art Work

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Portrait Work

Redo of Portrait Work

Son-in-Law and Daughter
Graphite Pencil
Redo - 2018

Not for Sale
Private Collection

    I was not 100% happy with my portrait work on this piece and it took me two years to figure out what it was that just didn't work for me, and then a while longer to take it down off the wall.  With some newly learned portrait techniques, I am able to look at it and enjoy it so much more!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


Vase Full of Poppies

8 x 14

For Sale:  $50.00

(This price includes FREE SHIPPING and your art work
will be bubble wrapped for protection during shipping)!

Buy Now - click Pay Pal button!

Monday, July 2, 2018

Art Share #3

Art Share #3

     Art is an idea that belongs to everyone.  It is found in ever culture.  Whatever physical form it might take, whatever emotional, aesthetic, or psychological challenge it may offer, it is vital to every culture's sense of itself. 

     Lessons learned in pursuit of art are lessons that pertain to almost everything we experience.  Art is not separate from life; it is the very description of the lives we lead.  (101 Things to Learn in Art School).  

Painted Lady #1

Paintd Lady #1

Acrylics On Canvas Board 2018

Acrylics on Canvas Board
Ready to Hang 
Certificate of Authencity Attached to back
Signed and Dated

16 x 20 


Sunday, July 1, 2018

Art Share #2

Art Share #2

     What is aesthetics?  Strickly speaking, aesthetics is not the same thing as the philosphy of art.  Aesthetics is a much broader term, not just referring to created artwork but to matter of taste in general.  The word encompasses any sort of sensory perception.

     In short, the the study of aesthetics, as we understand it today, is concerned with how our judgements of taste relate to our language, our minds, and our surroundings.  

     Think about the Mona Lisa.  It is probably the most famous painting in the world.  Is it your favorite painting?  Why is it so famous?  Why is it work so much?  If you saw it for the first time today and had never heard of it, would you find it beautiful?  Instead of blindly accepting the standards and traditions of our culture, a little philosphizing will challenge us to justify our beliefs about beauty and the arts!  (Daily Book of Art, pg 9).

"Oops" - Acrylic Painting

Title:  "Oops"

Acrylic on Canvas Panel
11 x 14

For Sale:  $50.00

(This price includes FREE SHIPPING and your art work
will be bubble wrapped for protection during shipping)!

(Please contact me for PayPal invoice)

Friday, June 29, 2018

Art Share

Art Share #1

Elements of Art:

  • LINE:  a line is a pathway, either visible of implied, that moves the eye through a piece of work.
  • SHAPE:  shape is the two-dimensional area taken up by an object.
  • FORM:  this element refers to the illusion of a three-dimensional object on a two-dimensional surface.
  • VALUE:  value is the lightness or darkness of a color, or of black.
  • TEXTURE:  texture in drawing or painting refers to the way we discern the qualitys of an object's surface.
  • COLOR:  we all know what a "color" is, but not everyone realizes how an artist's choice of color impacts the viewer.  
  • SPACE:  space is the area within the borders of your work; it is what fills the length, width, and perceied depth of a work or art.

Portrait Work - Einstein

With the release of the new Genuis shows on National Geographic (Einstein being their first season) I just had to do my own version of Einstein. 

Pastels and Collage
18 x 24 

Not For Sale - Private Collection

For Sale:  please contact me via email.

Working sites


Fine Art America

Coming soon: I will be selling my art work also on  Houzz!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Its Been a Very Busy Year!

To my readers:

Its been such a busy year since starting art school.  I will not close this page but hope that someday soon I will get back to posting.


Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday, January 2, 2017

I Love to Quilt - Crazy Quilt

This is Block Two 
Crazy Quilt - from Sew Crazy Girls Group - Remember each month we get a color package - bring it home - work it - one month later turn it in - at the end we will each get to chose a color grouping to sew together to have our queen size crazy quilt - or a few smaller ones!  

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Blue Dog Paintings

Blue Dog Paintings 

Acrylics - After George Rodrigue RIP 2013


Sunday, December 18, 2016

Apology ...

Sorry about my absence - it's the holiday season and as usual I am swamped with family and friend activities.  No, No, NO  - not at all complaining just explaining why I have not posted. 

Will be back to posting after the New Year!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

I love to Quilt . . .

Colorado Beauty Square

Squint your eyes and you can see a pinwheel in the center of the block.

I had purchased a block of fat quarters last year and couldn't decide what to do with them.  
I saw a quilt with this pattern.


I have pulled out my stitches about 6 times in this one square.  Yeah I am NOT a perfectionist but I had to at least put the square together right. 

I'm happy I did.  

Now that I did one complete square, I am hoping there will be less mistakes. 

Here's a look!

It looks like newspaper but it is not.  Its fabric with lots of love words on it!  I will post more squares as I put them together!

Lots. Of. Fun.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Love to Paint

Flowers in a Vase


All Art Work For Sale



Of course - 

I Love to Quilt!

Crazy Quilt

I've done two crazy quilts before - maybe you have seen them posted on here.  But I have never embellished one and have collected books for years in an effort to persuade myself to do this. 

Last week at my local quilt shop where my sewing circle meets, the owner told me they were forming a group to put together crazy quilts.  Ears perked up!

"The kits are FREE", she said.

The kits are free, but you must add the embellishments.  We will meet once a month and at the end of a year you will have enough squares (13 x 13) to put together a good size quilt. 

Well  . . . . really . . . .  seriously . . . .

Of course I jumped on this.  

So the way it works is every month you recieve a kit with enough fabrics of similar colors and a piece of muslin to use as a foundation for placing the fabics in a scrappy, crazy pattern of your choice.  Your square must be 13 x 13. 

Then you can add hand embellishments ONLY in the colors that are in the fabric pieces. 

Any type embellishments.  Any mixture of embellishments. 

You recieve points for your progress.  The one with the most points at the end of the 12 months chooses the stack of squares in the color (one color only) of her choice!  F.U.N. 

Here is my first block.  I decided to only embellish with embroidery. 

So. Much. Fun!

Sunday, October 30, 2016