ORIGINAL works of art on canvas or paper are sold on this site.

PRINTS: FineArtAmerica.com
(search: Theresa Honeycheck)



Title of Art Work

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Needle Felting - Zombie

Needle Felting 

My Latest Addiction

Now that I have completed a book cover to work on a book binding project, I decided it was time for something more challenging.  I want to do a doll . . .type . . . thingie . . .

My Zoombie!

Not finished

Head Shot #1

Head Shot #2

I did have a body on it, but was not satisfied with it so I pulled it apart!  Back to the creation table!

Go to Hobby Lobby and pick up your Needle Felting Supplies (see early post) and some styrofoam balls (for the shape of the head).

Start pulling the roving to fit around the head, punching/stabbing it into place.  Make sure there are no 'see thru' areas and that you are not stingy with the roving.  Then must pull your roving apart and shape into a nose, mouth and eyeballs.  I found that when i needed a rounded shape, I would slightly wet the palm of my hand and roll the roving in it.  The dampness made the roving form the round shape better.  

Go.  Have Fun!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Needle Felting - Book Cover

Needle Felting

My New Addiction (like I need one!).

Needle Felting is really quite easy after you watch a few You Tube videos explaining the supplies you will need and how to go about working the felt. 

I watched a couple of those videos - supply list in hand headed out to Hobby Lobby.   Totally surprised that they carried everything I needed.

Go to the yarn/cross stitch area.  You will see a bunch of Needle Felting Supplies.  To start you will need:

  • Needles (extra because you will break them!) 
  • finger protectors (because you will stab yourself!)
  • a piece of wool
  • styrofoam (lay your work piece on this when you are punching/stabbing)
  • roving (you will see these in packages of different colors)
Note: Roving is wool that you can pull from the end to make as thick or thin as you want in order to create your design.  

So here are a few photos of my first book cover - or a piece of felt that I am going to use to cover a book I bind myself.  Not sure if I will use plain paper, lined paper, or naturally dyed paper.  But, atlas, the book cover is made.  

So here I am - fully concentrated being very careful not to stab myself since I did that right away.  Decided to put on one of those finger protectors I purchased at the last minute - and now so glad that I did.  (Ignore all the other supplies laying around). 

Here you see me stabbing or punching the felt into the felt square.  Important:  it is a 100% wool felt square, and the wool I am needling or pounding in is called roving. 

Note the very important finger protector. 
I am doing a random design. 

Working it . . . 
It is a lot of fun!

A different angle of working it . . . 

Have added more roving and making it a fuller design. 

The finished piece!  Yay!  So once you have added all the you want in your design - you flip it over and iron it with the setting of your iron on wool.  This helps in "setting" the punches.   I am really proud of this first piece and ready to tackle something a little more challenging!

I'm thinking I may run a zig zag stich around the outer edges for a more a finished look in one of the colors within the design.  

Yay!  Happy Day!

Muffin Tins for Artists

You Don't have to Bake to Love this Muffin Tin!

Support your local thrift store!

Way too cool!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Tools of My Trade - Sew Easy!

Sew Easy!

Sew Simple To Sew!

Take a well loved paint rag - fold up the botton to meet half way up.  Sew columns for each paint brush you want to hold. Sew easy, sew simple to sew!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Colors and Books . . .

Colors and Books 
Be Still my Heart!

(From Benjamin Moore Paint Store selection cards).  

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Did you know . . .

Did you know 
that there are 5 elements in every painting?
1.  drawing
2.  value
3.  color
4.  composition (or design)
5.  edges

  1. Drawing:  good drawing skills are fundamental.  This consists of patient observation, good training, & LOTS of practice!
  2. Value:  is relative lightness or darkness of an object, 
  3. Color:  hues and intensity, and of course, temperature,
  4. Composition:  satisfy with good balance, enter from the left of the right, create an eye path, consider the form of composition such at 'thirds' or 'crucible', 
  5. Edges:  these occur whenever shapes meet such as subject hair with the background. The eye fixes to sharp edges, but coasts gently over soft ones.  Place your hardest edges near the center of interst.  Also sharp edges that have strong value shifts works even better!

(Reference:  Painting Beautiful Skin Tones with Color and Light:  Chris Saper).

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Pastel Painting - Bird: Goldcrest

First I did a bird study to make sure I could draw a Goldcrest.

Then I drew it on navy Daler Rowney Pastel paper.  This paper has only a small tooth in which the pastels will stick to - so not the best paper out there, but great for a practice piece.

I drew the entire picture with a soft white pastel for a basic outline.

After choosing my palette . . . . the results. I am pleased with it and may decide I would like to do it on a much higher grade paper.   A higher grade paper would let my feathery strokes show up clearer and the entire painting would be more brilliant.  

My on-line Shop!


I am very excited about this new adventure.  If it is successful - great!  If it is not success - then no regrets, I tried it!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

My Home Art Studio

Many are asking for pics of my home art studio - where my creativity happens. 

I will share!

Here is the hallway leading to my art studio (room) and as you can see it is my gallery wall!  But, truthfully - my art is hanging all over the house!  

In my opinion (mine only) a true artist will paint anywhere and on anything!  Yes, I did paint this ivy plant on the wall - well, stenciled it way back in the day when I was first getting interested in painting.  It will lead you into my studio.

Entering into my studio.  I do hang my work everywhere!  Please take note in the lower left corner of this photo!  Yes, my kitty Mozart spends a good part of his day in here with me while I work. 

Work table - of course - I picked up and cleaned up the best I could before taking a photo.  Usually, although I am a very neat working artist.  The small easel that you see there on my work table is from Daley Rowney and I use it for my watercolors.  Main reason is that the flat part (where you put your paper) sits on a ball that you can manipulate to create water movement in your art work.  

Another shot - man - I just love my space! The book shelf holds and keeps organized many of my supplies.  I like order! Of course, the drawers are full and the botton cabinets are full of more art books, videos and supplies!

DVD player only - no TV - sometimes I like to watch instructional art videos or just a video about art.  Or maybe just a romantic comedy to help lighten things up since I seem to get really intense at times. Oh and yes, those are a few of my counted cross stitches I did way way back in the day!  Funny!

This is my easel that I use to do my pastel work.  I am trying to figure out how to put wheels on it so I can move it around the room!  I can keep most of my pastels in the drawer and the lip catches most of the dust from the pastels.  I pull up the blind and I have more light than I need.  

Here are my books shelves that hold art books, hand made sketch books, store bought sketch books, and many other books that give me inspiration! Also I keep my portfolios here, too!

I will hang my art anywhere! And I do use this door as an "idea" area . . . .

More of the above!  

This little rolling table holds all my watercolor and acrylic supplies.  Plus, oh yeah, don't miss more of my wall hangings!


Monday, August 22, 2016

Thought For This Day . . . .

Think about this . . . .

I take charge of my life and turn up the intensity of goodness.  I set my dials on harmony, abundance, perfect health, loving relationships, wonderful opportunities, and everything else that my heart desires.  I follow my guidance and keep my arms open to receive.  

(by Doreen Virtue/Daily Guidance from Your Angels)

Let's Give Them Something To Talk About . . . .

Movie Critique

Lady In The Van

4 Stars


Interesting enough to keep me watching to the end but . . . seriously Maggie Smith from Downton Abbey was the leading lady, so of course I watched it to the end!

The movie is based on the true story of Miss Shepherd (played by the awesome Maggie Smith).  She plays a woman of uncertain origins who 'temporarily' parks her van in Alan Bennett's (play write) London driveway and proceeds to live there for 15 years! What begins as a questionable and strained relationship become a relationship that will change both their lives.


Sunday, August 21, 2016

Whimsical Watercolor Birds

A Whimsical Bird Study

Watercolors in Multimedia Sketch Book

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Another Zentangle


A Zentangle is a different form of art than a Mandela.  Zentangles open you up to being creative, while, I believe that a Mandela opens you up spiritually.  I enjoy doing both styles. 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Here's Your Sign!

From the Austin Visitor's Center

It just touched me . . . .

At Play with Watercolors

Just Playing Around

Slow night . . . wanting to do art but also not wanting to do art, but in keeping with my commitment to do some art everyday  . . . well, here you go!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Here's Your Sign!

Saw this at Buccee's and could not resist taking a quick photo shot!


Monday, August 15, 2016

Watercolor Painting - Beautiful Ladies

Meet Bertha


I couldn't sleep last night so I went into my home art studio at 1:30 a.m.  I sketched this pretty lady.  Today after book binding class I was excited to get her painted.  I seem to be painting a lot of beautiful ladies so I am going to be naming them.  After all, I love these ladies!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Book Cover

Reading this really brought a huge smile to my face!

Gonna use it to cover one of my art journals!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Let's Give Them Something to Talk About . . . .

My Movie Critique


An Irish immigrant (Saoirse Ronan) in 1950s New York falls for a tough Italian plumber (Emory Cohen), but faces temptation from another man (Domhnall Gleeson) when she returns to her homeland for a visit.  

I have seen this movie THREE times, and each time I give it FIVE STARS!!!